How to Mend Your Love-Hate Relationship with Your Washer and Dryer

There is nothing more satisfying than an empty laundry basket and an organized closet but getting to that point can be a daunting task. At the end of a long day, the last thing you want to do is sort, press and fold laundry but here are 5 tips that can help mend your love-hate relationship with your washer and dryer.

Start With The Hamper

Getting a head start on your laundry begins with every outfit change. Create designated hampers for each color category so when it’s time to wash the sorting is already done! Go the extra mile by writing washing instructions on the outside of each basket. There will be no more confusion about which cycle to run and your darks, whites, and colors will stay in their best shape.

Netflix & Press

Have you ever not worn something because you didn’t want to have to iron it? Getting your clothes from the closet to the laundry room can be inconvenient enough and the thought of ironing right out of the dryer can be a major pain unless you do it with a little company. Break out the iron and log in to Netflix! This is multitasking at its finest and it will help pass the time.  Now you have no excuses about not being able to catch up on your favorite TV shows or movies and you will thank yourself the next time you’re in a rush and that perfect outfit is hanging up, ready to wear!

Whitest White

One of the most satisfying parts about doing laundry is opening up the dryer and seeing your whites sparkle. There are a variety of ways to achieve whiter whites but the best we’ve discovered is with dual bleach tablets. The tablets are convenient and premeasured making your life ultra-easy and most importantly, they won’t leave your fabrics splotchy. They eliminate a lot of the risk that can come when using liquid bleach which means less stress for you.

It’s Time For An Upgrade

Just like any piece of technology, your washer and dryer might be ready for an upgrade. Do research and explore all the new gadgets, features, and sizes that are available with the newest models. These days, a lot of the guesswork, hassle and time can be taken care of by the machine itself!

To make sure your machine continues to run in tip-top shape give it the tender-love and cleaning it needs. Check out machine cleaning tablets to neutralize odors and remove grease and water deposits that can build up over time. The right machine and the proper care will ensure a long and happy life for all your favorite threads.

Pencil It In

Honestly, the worst thing about laundry is when it gets out of control and this can be easily avoided by scheduling it into your agenda. There are various ways you can divide it up so that it stays manageable. Try breaking it up into a different day for each color category or try categorizing by item. You could have a day for pants, undergarments and socks, dresses, shirts etc. Whichever way works best for you, tackling your laundry bit by bit will make it feel less like a chore.

Doing laundry doesn’t have to be something you dread! All you need to do is add a little organization, distraction and product-love to help mend your love-hate relationship with your washer and dryer.


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