New Years Note to Parents

Are you ready for 2019?
New year. New you. New opportunities. New memories. The start of the New Year is a time to reflect on the past and profess our resolutions. Maybe in 2019, you want to be a better parent. You want to have more patience. You want to listen more, work less and have more dinners as a family. Maybe you want to live a healthier lifestyle by working out, eating better and keeping a cleaner home. You want to spend less time worrying and more time having fun. Maybe you want a year with fewer tantrums and tears and more smiles and giggles. To make it to every soccer game and recital. To focus less on the daily routine and be more spontaneous and resilient to change.
No matter what your resolution is, it’s important to remember one thing…
Your best is always enough.
This year don’t reflect on the past as a failure but as a learning experience. You should pride yourself in being a parent who has it together… at least most of the time. It’s okay to take shortcuts here-and-there, make compromises or cut corners. Just remember that through every trial and error, you’re not alone on the journey to figuring out this whole parenting thing.
No one said it was easy, but it sure is worth it. So this year don’t strive for perfection, just give it your best.